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Daytime, Nighttime, and Timeless Prayer: Embracing God’s Lovingkindness: A reflection of Psalms 42:8

Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.

Psalms 42:8

The three partitions of which we have to share in and continue therein. Observe: The daytime, the nighttime are both set in a time frame, night and day, but prayer is without a fixed time.

As you read this, being awake this morning, it is because the Lord has commanded His lovingkindness toward you, in the daytime. If you are about to fall into the slumber of sleep. Likewise, “the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime that is to come.”  

And when all is quiet, but the depth of your thoughts flooding your mind at night, for the Lord’s loving kindness during the day, may your lips be a portal from your inner being wherewith songs…


The drawing related to this post will be available in the reels and more page. Have a blessed weekend.

Reaction, Mindset, Goal, and Accountability

Running the Race to Win and Fighting the Fight for the Knockout Blow

Paul wrote these letters to the Corinthians while he was in Ephesus, which is in present-day Turkey, and the recipients were in Corinth, which is in present-day Greece. Around AD 53-55, he encouraged the Corinthians to live disciplined and purposeful lives, much like athletes who train rigorously to win a prize.

So how does this relate to us today? Let’s dive into the verses as they were written, and then explore their equivalence in today’s modern vernacular.

But everyone striving controls himself in all things. Then those truly that they may receive a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible. So I run accordingly, as not uncertainly; so I fight, as not beating air; but I buffet my body and lead it captive, lest proclaiming to others I myself might be disapproved.” 1…


Proverbs 15:13 tells us, A joyful heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

The passage is self-explanatory, yet a closer look reveals valuable lessons.

The first is the contrast between joy and sorrow. In our modern world, people often accept sadness as a justification for withdrawing from their surroundings, believing it will lead to healing. Unfortunately, this isolation can deepen sorrow and break the spirit.

The "joy" mentioned in Proverbs comes from repentance, the turning away from unproductive old ways. Seclusion alone won't bring joy. Reflection and a willingness to change the behaviors that led to isolation are essential.

Overthinking steals joy. When fixated on problems, we lose sight of solutions. Every sigh depletes our energy.

Exposition on the book of Ephesians

I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,

Ephesians 4:1

  • Understand your calling, and paths will emerge for you to heed and pursue it. Act in a manner that honors your vocation. Remember, it wasn’t by your will power that you entered this calling; you were summoned to serve the Lord.

  • In fulfilling this role, proceed with modesty and without arrogance. Maintain faith even in matters beyond your current understanding, trusting that comprehension will come in time.

With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love.

May 02, 2024

I look forward to more 🙏🏻 maybe in a discussion too?

Beyond Self-Help: Trust in the Lord

One thing that is always present with you is your awareness. Where there is awareness, may you use the right discernment. Knowing where I am is not where I want to be in my life. Considering it is our actions, and our will, which at times usually placed us in such a place. Even then, let your desire be, ‘Lord, help me, hear me.’ When we know the danger of our situation, the honest is our prayer.

To this we pray. In like manner we say:

Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit fails: hide not Thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.

Psalm 143:7

Self-help falls short. Embrace self-awareness to understand your situation. Yet, look beyond your condition and will. Trust in the Lord, acknowledging your limitations, and open yourself to divine guidance, support,…

Who are you? Do you truly know yourself? You know your name, but it was given to you by someone else, not of your own choosing. So, who are you really? You have your own thoughts, but can you control them? Are you truly in control?

Pause and look at the time on your wristwatch or device. Do you see the time? Say it out loud. Then, consider your surroundings, whether you’re at home or somewhere else. Look at the time again and pause.

Can you confidently say that you control what will happen around you an hour from now? So, are you really in control as you think you are?

Being aware of the time doesn’t mean you control your destiny. If you’re not in the driver’s seat of life, do you even know where you’re headed? Even now, you can’t hold a perfect thought to ponder this question.…

Study Guide

Does the three "Woes" from Isaiah chapter 5 a call against the world or the believer?

Isaiah 5:20-22

The answer to the question is given in the 25 verse of the same chapter.

How are these "Woes" relatable to today's day and age?

If there is time, this we will discuss in the new group.

As a believer, you are not under a curse.

In the absence of a curse, blessings should be present. However, two factors can delay your blessings as a believer.

Firstly, your actions can cause a delay if they are misguided.

Secondly, if you are aware of others engaging in wrongful actions and fail to warn them, this can also lead to a delay in your blessings.

It is your responsibility to inform individuals of their wrongdoings. If you don’t, their mistakes become your errors, causing a delay in your blessings and subsequently, certain changes in your life.

Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually.

Psalms 119:117

In our own ways, we shall go as we please, but become weary if we are not supported by the Lord, continually.


The phrase “Hold me up” speaks of the refreshment that comes after an establishment.

Often, when the mind is not established. Consequently, it wanders, and the individual is drained. Which is the absence of being refreshed. However, here is a hope: We read, “I shall be safe.” This speaks of the awareness of that which is right, in its absence.

The Burden of Silence

A Burden Shared is a Burden Halved

At times, the silence burden is not the inner burden we carry within us, but the discomfort we sense in others, those we dearly care about.

In our presence they show not their struggles to us, even though we are close to sense their burden, but for our inability to reach their needs they seem to be so far beyond our reach.

Far away they seem when you know not what to do. But with such a burden concerning others, let us take it to another.

Take it to the Lord in prayer. The time of the initiation of the prayer by faith, to the realization of the answer, is not instantaneous. However, let it be a time of transformation in you.