Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house. Proverbs 24:27
In other words, focus on the little things that you rightly do, though difficult at times, but your business should reflect consistency, which will ultimately lead to an establishment. May your question, if need be, Lord what is my business? Bless it, Father that I may find rest therein.
Concerning this verse, Swaggart once said, “Take care first to attend to the business, and the business will ’build the house.’”
Ordena tus labores de fuera, y tenlas listas para ti en el campo; y después edifica tu casa.
Forma primeiro a tua lavoura e levanta a tua casa, então, estarás à vontade para constituir a tua família.
Amen 🙏 Thanks the same to you. God bless you.