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Sabbath: A Tapestry of Rest

A painting I completed during the weekend.

Check the gallery tomorrow for the painting.

Sabbath: A Tapestry of Rest

In the stillness of the Sabbath, the world pauses to reveal its profound beauty. The land, air, and waters, created so long ago, remain steadfast, sustaining us through our daily lives. On this day of rest, the waters transform, shimmering and rippling, guiding the observant to a place of serenity.

There, a little boy, lost in his own world, finds humor in the simplest things—a bird intrigued by a pair of idle shoes. By his side, a little girl marvels at the beauty and transformation around her, admiring a butterfly's delicate dance. These moments of wonder are a delight to the adult guardian, who finds joy in the children’s innocent discoveries.

As time passes, the little boy’s curiosity and humor will evolve into a balanced wisdom and a joyful perspective on life, while the girl’s admiration for beauty deepens into a profound appreciation for life’s transformations. Together, they grow, encouraged by the love and guidance of their guardian.

The canoe named "Serenity" rests on the shore, symbolizing the journey of introspection. The loyal dog, Pup the beagle, a teacher of responsibility, sits beside it. Responsibility is more than just doing; it is about love, much like the love children show towards their pup. The lamp of the night stands in the serene day; though its light is not seen, it remains true to its purpose. Each element in this place of rest weaves together a narrative of tranquility, growth, and the simple pleasures of life.

Through togetherness, curiosity is nurtured, and the fruits of wisdom and knowledge are gathered. The gathering of such to a young mind is like an open-weaved basket, beside two serene minds, ready to be filled with wisdom and knowledge by each turn of the page. This Sabbath, a day of rest, magnifies the impacts and beauty of our lives, reminding us of the serenity found in stillness and the joy of shared experiences. It is a reflection of the rest the Lord has given us, a time to renew and find peace in His presence.


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