Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. The greatness of the Word of God is its integrity, by which it is without error nor deception. If contradictions arise, it is the reader’s lack of perception. So then, let it be an opportunity to gain a better insight.
The passages below are some of that which we avert, for the lack of understanding, but with a willing mind, they shall be made known.
Looking beyond our stumbling block.
An exposition on sin
Let us know that we cannot focus on our wrongdoing to move forward, shall we then ignore wrongdoing? Certainly not, however, the awareness of our shortcomings and wrongdoing, with the heart of heaviness, is the evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit within our hearts, to comfort, but there can be no comfort without grief. Therefore, those who love the Lord, are not perfected without sin, but when we sin, our spirit bears witness with the Holy Spirit, for the existence of a wrongdoing on our part. Consequently, we grieve for our action, unlike those in the world, we display remorse for our wrongdoing.
To further understand this is to look at the word sin, from its true meaning in the Greek language. The word sin is the Greek word Hamartia. (Ha-mar-TEE-ah) The idea of this word is an act of civil offense, or an honest mistake. Hence, we at times, find ourselves doing things we desire not to do, but we keep doing it.
Looking closely at the Greek word Hamartia which means sin, the English reader will see the similarity of the English word “hammer.” Like a sledgehammer, it is used to drive a wedge between a wood, to cause a split. This is the picture of sin. So, sin, or hamartia drives a wedge between us and God. So then, during this great division, to whom shall we cling to, the side of sin, or to the Lord? That is to say, when we sin, let us not dwell on our sin, but through confession, may we look to the Lord, and love Him more.
The work of the Holy Spirit in us, is to convict us of sin, and this is done for one reason, but before this reason is given, let us look at that which is not the reason for the conviction of sin. This is why the believer struggle at times to overcome his or her shortcomings. When the believer sinned, he or she is not to fight the sin, for it was already defeated by Christ on the Cross. 1 Peter 2:24, Colossians 2:14. Instead, the conviction of sin in us is to draw us closer in relationship with the Lord, away from the sin. As He loves us, let us love Him in return.
The deception of sin.
Let us not fall short to the trickery of sin, wherewith we feel unworthy in our shortcomings and shy away from the Lord. Who shall restore us, but Him? In our conviction, may we love Him the more, eventually our love for Him will be greater than the temporal pleasure of sin. Until then, love not your wrongdoing, but love the Lord with all your heart.
Scripture study reference
Hebrews 4:16