Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. The greatness of the Word of God is its integrity, by which it is without error nor deception. If contradictions arise, it is the reader’s lack of perception. So then, let it be an opportunity to gain a better insight.
The passages below are some of that which we avert, for the lack of understanding, but with a willing mind, they shall be made known.
The supposedly simplest commandment among Christians, is the most broken commandment.
Before the exposition of this topic, let the understanding of the 10 Commandments be known, which is also called the Decalogue, or the Covenant. As a covenant, it serves as a contract, a mutual agreement, as between two or more persons. In this case, this covenant is between God and men, written by God.
What are the 10 commandments?
The assumption for many is that the commandments and the keeping thereof generates instant righteousness in the individuals who observe and keep them as it is written. If that is the case, at what period does the individual reaches perfection? If perfection is obtained within this covenant between God and man, does God become obsolete because man is now self-righteous and perfect? To this we say, by no means were these laws meant to generate self-righteousness within the individual, for man in himself cannot obtain perfection by the keeping of the Law, by his will, or intellect. (Galatians 2:16) Neither is the believer on a path of becoming a god. So then, the 10 commandments are a reminder of that which is right and that which is wrong. Therefore, as a covenant and a contract between God and man, its intent is to bring together the two parties within the covenant. Therein, the lesser of the covenant will look to the greater of the covenant for the keeping thereof. The lesser of the covenant is the believer and the greater is God.
As a parent expects the best from a child by showing them right from wrong, knowing that expectation is the path to do right. However, expectation does not bring about an instant result of perfection.
Therefore, the 10 commandments reveal the will of God to the believer. Even as a believer, there are times we will fall short of doing that which we ought not to do. Romans 3:23. However, by knowing the will of God, which is revealed to us through these commandments, His will serve as a guideline to keep us on the path of that which is right. On the contrary, they do not serve as a means of perfection in us. Rather, it shows the believer, God’s perfection and our need for His holiness by abiding in His covenant.
Herein we see the list of the Laws as follows:
You shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You must not commit murder.
You must not commit adultery.
You must not steal.
You must not give false evidence against your neighbor.
You must not covet your neighbor’s goods. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor.
If the Christian will consider the Laws above in relation to the least, of which is unlikely to be broken; for many Christians, the first commandment, the second, and the sixth are presumably the ones that are likely not to be broken. The third commandment will suffice as well. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Without further commentary on the 10 laws, the third is the focus of the exposition. In hope to bring out the lesson concerning the topic. For the third is the most broken law in the life of the believer who doesn’t fully understand the purpose of the 10 commandments and the Christian dependency on God.
The misconception by and large, for most Christians concerning the third commandment is as follow:
The commandment is kept because I do not use the name of the Lord unnecessarily to express shock, excitement or disbelief.
I do not swear in vain with the name of the Lord.
I do not utter profanities before the Lord’s name
I do not randomly use the name of the Lord to express what I feel.
Therefore, the misconception is the commandment is kept. This applies to the other commandments as well. Thou shall not commit murder, for an example. Most Christians will declare, I have not murdered, and I will never take the life of another. However, he or she who hates another as a believer, is a murderer. This we read according to (1 John 3:15) Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. That is to say, though hatred burns in the hearts of men walking this earth, but their end is without life, but eternal damnation, the separation from God. For those who minds are framed with murder, or as the Greek renders it, a manslayer. Of which are carnally-minded, and to be carnally-minded is death (Romans 8:6) Shall we then say, certain of the 10 commandments are easier to keep than the others?
Likewise, if the four points listed above are observed in like manners in the life of the individual concerning the third commandment; but without the proper understanding which is the right faith, then the believer is likely already breaking the third commandment unknowingly.
Likewise, if the four points listed above are observed in like manners in the life of the individual, concerning the third commandment; but without the proper understanding which is the right faith, then the believer is likely already breaking the third commandment unknowingly.
Let the believer ask themselves, am I struggling to do the right thing in my will power, but every attempt is a failure in hope to do that which is right? If so, you as a believer are breaking the third commandment. The name of the Lord is Jehovah Jireh – The Lord who provides, so then, considering He is your provider, but you as a believer are looking elsewhere for your provision; consequently, you are taking the name of your God in vain.
Is the believer struggling to do the right thing, in living the Christian life, but is failing daily? Know you not the name of the Lord is Jehovah-Tsidkenu – Your Righteousness? If you are trying to be righteous by your own standards, or Church denominational values, you as a believer are taking the name of your God in vain. For He is Jehovah-Tsidkenu – Your Righteousness.
As a believer, are you looking to others for spiritual protection? Then you are taking the name of your God in vain, for He is Jehovah-Rohi – your Shepherd. Consequently, looking elsewhere for spiritual protection is forsaking who God is by taking His name in vain.
If the believer is seeking deliverance, but through the laying on hands by other individuals, or through a regimen, consequently, the believer has taken the name of their God in vain, for He is Jehovah-Moshi'ech – your Savior.
These and more we perceive with a willing heart that the truth therein may set us free. Freedom from the guilt of doing the wrong things through ignorance, so that we may do that which is right, having received the Truth. Or may the heart of the believer be set free from the guilt of the past, of those things we aren’t proud of, but knowing it is not what we do, it is what God does in us as we believe in Him.
For He is Jehovah-Go'el – our Redeemer.
Swaggart once wrote concerning this; in the Law, God sets forth His standard of Righteousness, in other words, what man ought to be.
This we know, we cannot be what we ought to be without Him. Though we cannot perfectly keep the commandments, but there is One who kept it all. The Lord Jesus Christ, this He did on our behalf. Now, as believers, we place our faith in Him because when we are in Him by faith, we become Law keepers and not Lawbreakers.
This we ask once again, are certain of the 10 commandments easier to keep than the others? Neither of them is easier than the others. For if you keep all and break one, you are guilty of breaking all. (James 2:10) Though it is God’s standard of what Righteousness ought to be, but we in ourselves cannot obtain Righteousness through our will power, but the Law serves as a reminder to keep trusting in the Lord.
Forgive us . . . and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen