The Bible on civil and social life, and as to its harmony with geology, It is the grand charter of man's political and civil equality, liberty, and order. It is the guardian and the only adequate protector of his social happiness.
Benjamin Silliman
American chemist and science educator. Founder of the American Journal of Science.
As a child I received instruction both in the Bible and in the Talmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure of the Nazarene
Albert Einstein
Mathematician and physicist.
I do think that a minister who can preach a sermon without addressing sinners does not know how to preach.
Charles Spurgeon
English Baptist preacher, a prolific writer.
When good cheer is lacking,
Such friends will be packing.
Charles Spurgeon
English Baptist preacher, a prolific writer.
If a little gambling is thrown in with the fast living, money will melt like a snowball in an oven. A young gambler is sure to be an old beggar if he lives long enough.
Charles Spurgeon
English Baptist preacher, a prolific writer.
The first thing to do in examining the power that dominates me is to take hold of the unwelcome fact that I am responsible for being thus dominated.
Oswald Chambers
Twentieth-century Scottish Baptist teacher, writer and evangelist. Writer of the most beloved devotional, My Utmost for His Highest