Miscellaneous Writings
Keep Swinging
The Giant will Fall

My failures circumference me, but the light from above me, whispers, keep swinging. A hit is in sight, and the breaking down of the stronghold.
Though the walls of hindrance are tall... and the space of progress is limited, great is the fear in sight. Bigger is the obstacle. Beyond that is darkness, but if I stand I will keep swinging.

That is to say, in this life as a Christian the outcome of our perseverance is not predicated on the method or the mindset of three strikes and you're out. As long you stand up and face the problem. Although it might be bigger than you. Pick up your Cross. (ongoing sanctification)
The representation of the bat on his shoulder. Believe and keep swinging; It doesn't matter how many failures we have in life, but others might count you out. As we perceive, there are three balls around him, meaning a strike and out.
Focus and keep swinging; Your future might seem dark like the darkness around the mean-spirited character, yet we notice there is a light over the oppressed character. The representation of us all. Our problems might be bigger than us, but we have the Grace of God.
The number Five is God’s Grace toward men.
The five primary types of offerings
Burnt Offering, Sin Offering, Trespass Offering, Grain offering, and Peace Offering
There are five books of God's Law; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Together they are called the Pentateuch, a term denoting Five
This we see, he has the number 5 on his shirt. Symbolizing God's grace, on his swinging shoulder. Indeed, the Grace of God is our strength. Eventually there is coming a hit, and not only a hit, but the giant will fall.
Although the opponent is bigger and intimidating, but the batter is calm. For we overcome through the Blood of the Lamb. Thus, it is written; And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony Revelation 12:11.
In the lyrics of Debra Shepherd:
His red blood took a black heart,
Washed it white as snow… You see old Satan was my master,
And he would not let go;
But I was set free from that slavery,
When I knelt in Calvary's glow,
Calvary's glow.
Keep Swinging, the Giant will fall